
被中文誤導的英文被中文誤導的英文 Question/Problem/Issue中文說「我有一個問題」,很多人會不自覺用出I've a problem,而其實你是指"I have a question"。中文的「問題」,可以對應到question,problem,還有issue。怎麼找到正確的對應呢?I have a question. (問題=疑問)The scale of the problem is massive....(問題=麻煩)There are still some issues to talk about....(問題=議題)Amount/number中文說「出席的人數很多」,你會用amount還是number? amount抽象地指整體的量很大,不可數;number是你實際上數得出來的很多。(X) I was amazed by the amount of people present.(O) I was amazed by the number of people present.(O) The amount of money needed was soon collect.Custom / habit(X)The teacher has a custom of clearing his throat before he speaks. (這位老師習慣在說話前先清一下喉嚨。)custom 通常是指一個地方的『風俗習慣』,多半由文化積累所形成。如:local / traditional customs (當地/傳統習俗)。個人的生活習慣需用 habit 。華人經常把approach(方式)、habit(習慣)和custom(習俗)搞混。(O) The teacher has a habit of clearing his ! throat before he speaks. 管理者的語言:這些英文背到滾瓜爛熟,工作績效一定倍增!We are here to discuss your performance; not someone else's. 我們是來討論你的績效;不是別人的。 The primary purpose of performance evaluation is to identify areas in need of improvement. 績效評估的主要目的是指出需要改進的地方。When there's a problem, look for a solution, not for someone to blame. 當問題發生時,尋找解決方法,而不是找代罪羔羊。 If you're not serving the customer, you'd better be serving someone who is. 如果你無法服務客戶,你最好替可以服務客戶的人做事。  2006 ~ 2009 by Core & Corner世界公民文化中心. All right reserved! 台北:台北市復興南路一段215號12樓 TEL:(02)2721-5033 FAX:(02)2731-5946 新竹:新竹市忠孝路145號TEL: (03)572-1099 FAX:(03)573-5511.

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